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Mękała, Krzysztof; Reuter, Jürgen; Żarnecki, Aleksander Filip, 2025, "Identifying heavy neutrinos at lepton colliders",, Dane Badawcze UW, V1
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Dataset contains data related to the study of the prospects for identifying the nature of the heavy neutral lepton (heavy neutrino) in future lepton collider experiments described in the publication "Discriminating Majorana and Dirac heavy neutrinos at lepton colliders" published in J. High Energ. Phys. 2024, 75 (2024).
This research was part of the project "Realistic simulations of exotic processes at future e+e- colliders" funded by National Science Centre, Poland, under grant agreement nr 2021/43/B/ST2/01778.
The study was based on large event samples of different particle scattering processes, which can be observed at future lepton collider experiments. Considered collider projects are International Linear Collider (ILC) running at 250 GeV, 500 GeV and 1 TeV centre-of-mass energy, Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) running at 3 TeV, and Muon Collider (MuC) running at 3 TeV and 10 TeV. Samples were generated with the WHIZARD program. Considered signal process of heavy neutral lepton production was simulated according to the HeavyN model. Outputs from the WHIZARD program (lists of produced particles with their parameters) were then processed with the DELPHES framework to model detector performance for considered experiments. Event samples from detector simulation were stored in root format.
Signal samples used for the analysis are too large to be stored. Included in the dataset are example control scripts of the WHIZARD program which can be used to reproduce them. These are "pseudo-data" reflecting our current assumptions about how the future lepton collider experiment will perform. Also included are final numerical results on the analysis: expected 95% CL exclusion limits, expected 95% CL discrimination range between two neutrino nature hypotheses: Dirac and Majorana, and 5 σ discovery range.
Software tools used
BSM Phenomenology, Left-Right Models, Baryon/Lepton Number Violation
Mękała, K., Reuter, J. & Żarnecki, A.F. Discriminating Majorana and Dirac heavy neutrinos at lepton colliders. J. High Energ. Phys. 2024, 75 (2024). doi: 10.1007/JHEP03(2024)075
CC BY - Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
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