The dataset consists of experimental data related to the article: Large-area growth of high-optical-quality MoSe2/hBN heterostructures with tunable charge carrier concentration (DOI: 10.1021/acsami.4c12559).
The presented numerical data were directly used to create graphs included in the cited publication.
Figure3: Collected data used to create Figure 3 in the article.
Photoluminescence (PL) data of MBE MoSe2 measured at cryogenic temperatures (532 nm laser excitation) for various substrates (MOVPE and exfoliated hBN) and various MBE processes. 1st column: energy (eV), rest of the columns: PL intensity measured for different substrates and processes.
Figure4a: Collected data used to create Figure 4a in the article.
MoSe2 photoluminescence spectra obtained for the material grown on epitaxial MOVPE hBN, collected at T=5 K, with 532 nm laser excitation. Column 1: energy (eV), column 2: PL intensity.
Figure4b: Collected data used to create Figure 4b in the article.
MoSe2 photoluminescence spectra obtained for the material grown on exfoliated hBN, collected at T=5 K, with 532 nm laser excitation. Column 1: energy (eV), column 2: PL intensity.
Figure5_X0A_peak_position_map_epitaxial: Collected data used to create a map of the neutral exciton peak position for the MoSe2 growth on epitaxial hBN included in Figure 5 in the article.
Results of the Lorentzian function fitting to the photoluminescence mapping performed at cryogenic temperatures (T = 5 K, 532 nm laser, step 2 μm). Column 1 and row 1: position on the sample (um), rest of the data: energy of the neutral exciton peak corresponding to the indicated position on the sample.
Figure5_XC_peak_position_map_epitaxial: Collected data used to create a map of the charged exciton peak position for the MoSe2 growth on epitaxial hBN included in Figure 5 in the article.
Results of the Lorentzian function fitting to the photoluminescence mapping performed at cryogenic temperatures (T = 5 K, 532 nm laser, step 2 μm). Column 1 and row 1: position on the sample (um), rest of the data: energy (eV) of the charged exciton peak corresponding to the indicated position on the sample.
Figure5_XA_FWHM_map_epitaxial: Collected data used to create a map of the neutral exciton peak width for the MoSe2 growth on epitaxial hBN included in Figure 5 in the article.
Results of the Lorentzian function fitting to the photoluminescence mapping performed at cryogenic temperatures (T = 5 K, 532 nm laser, step 2 μm). Column 1 and row 1: position on the sample (um), rest of the data: width (meV) of the neutral exciton peak corresponding to the indicated position on the sample.
Figure5_XC_FWHM_map_epitaxial: Collected data used to create a map of the charged exciton peak width for the MoSe2 growth on epitaxial hBN included in Figure 5 in the article.
Results of the Lorentzian function fitting to the photoluminescence mapping performed at cryogenic temperatures (T = 5 K, 532 nm laser, step 2 μm). Column 1 and row 1: position on the sample (um), rest of the data: width (meV) of the charged exciton peak corresponding to the indicated position on the sample.
Figure5_X0A_peak_position_map_exfoliated: Collected data used to create a map of the neutral exciton peak position for the MoSe2 growth on exfoliated hBN included in Figure 5 in the article.
Results of the Lorentzian function fitting to the photoluminescence mapping performed at cryogenic temperatures (T = 5 K, 532 nm laser, step 2 μm). Column 1 and row 1: position on the sample (um), rest of the data: energy of the neutral exciton peak corresponding to the indicated position on the sample.
Figure5_XC_peak_position_map_exfoliated: Collected data used to create a map of the charged exciton peak position for the MoSe2 growth on exfoliated hBN included in Figure 5 in the article.
Results of the Lorentzian function fitting to the photoluminescence mapping performed at cryogenic temperatures (T = 5 K, 532 nm laser, step 2 μm). Column 1 and row 1: position on the sample (um), rest of the data: energy (eV) of the charged exciton peak corresponding to the indicated position on the sample.
Figure5_XA_FWHM_map_exfoliated: Collected data used to create a map of the neutral exciton peak width for the MoSe2 growth on exfoliated hBN included in Figure 5 in the article.
Results of the Lorentzian function fitting to the photoluminescence mapping performed at cryogenic temperatures (T = 5 K, 532 nm laser, step 2 μm). Column 1 and row 1: position on the sample (um), rest of the data: width (meV) of the neutral exciton peak corresponding to the indicated position on the sample.
Figure5_XC_FWHM_map_exfoliated: Collected data used to create a map of the charged exciton peak width for the MoSe2 growth on exfoliated hBN included in Figure 5 in the article.
Results of the Lorentzian function fitting to the photoluminescence mapping performed at cryogenic temperatures (T = 5 K, 532 nm laser, step 2 μm). Column 1 and row 1: position on the sample (um), rest of the data: width (meV) of the charged exciton peak corresponding to the indicated position on the sample.
Figure5_histograms: data used to create histograms included in Figure 5 in the article.
1st row indicates the sample and excitonic peak (XC - charged exciton, X0A - neutral exciton) for which the data are presented. Peak positions are given in eV and peak widths in meV.
Figure6b: data used to create Figure 6b in the article.
A comparison of PL spectra recorded for sample hBN 1 MBE process 3 (T=5 K, 532 nm laser) for different gate voltages (-30 V, 2 V, 30 V). 1 column: energy (eV), 2-4 columns: PL intensities recorded for gate voltages -30 V, 2 V, 30 V.
Figure6c: data used to create Figure 6c in the article.
PL spectra recorded for sample hBN 1 MBE process 3 (T=5 K, 532 nm laser) for a range (-30 V: -2 V) of gate voltages. 1 column: energy (eV), the rest of the columns: PL intensities recorded for the range of gate voltages.
Figure6d: data used to create Figure 6d in the article.
Results of the Lorentzian profile fitting to the PL spectra recorded for sample hBN 1 MBE process 3 (T=5 K, 532 nm laser) for a range (-30 V: -2 V) of gate voltages. 1 column: gate voltage (V), 2 column: charged exciton peak area, 3 column: neutral exciton peak area.