Excavations in Apsaros are conducted by the Gonio-Apsaros Polish-Georgian Expedition, with the Polish part being directed by Prof. R. Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski from the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw.
Since 2022 the pottery is analysed within the frame of the project "REM: Roman Military Economy".
Data from field seasons 2018-2020 (Polish&Georgian excavations combined).
Methodology: macroscopic analyses
Number - Site name and context; GA - Gonio-Apsaros; numbers: numbers of archaeological contexts and layers.
Fragment - Abbreviations: R-rims, B-bases, H-handles, N-neck, RNH/RHN - rim+neck+handle (upper vessel part)
LHA - a group of amphoras with large handles
Type - Ch1: we do not know which type exactly, we just know it is Colchian; Ch1D: Colchian amphora during Byzantine period; Ch1B: Hellenistic and early Roman Colchian amphora; Ch1C: Colchian amphora during the Roman period (1st and 2nd c. CE), larger variant
Column D - 1B: the so called Sinopean fabric (described in a publication); 1A: the so called Colchian fabric (described in a publication)
Munsel - Munsell Soil Color Charts https://munsell.com/color-products/color-communications-products/environmental-color-communication/munsell-soil-color-charts/
Origin --> place of provenance of amphoras
All other abbreviations are explained in the publication associated with the data. They are clear even without a publication to archaeologists and ceramologists.