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Pociecha, Damian, 2025, "Research data for article 'Ferroelectric nematogens containing a methylthio group'",, Dane Badawcze UW, V1
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The synthesis and characterization of nematogens containing a terminal methylthio group is reported. The compounds are based on RM734 and differ in the number and position of fluorine substituents, and in the position of the lateral methoxy substituent. The phases are assigned based on observation of characteristic optical textures, measurements of dielectric properties, switching behaviour and optical birefringence, and the identification is confirmed with X-ray diffraction.
The stored dataset includes: (i) manuscript of the publication in pdf format, (ii) results of X-ray diffraction experiments - gfrm files contain 2D detector images (native Bruker format, can be opened with gadds software), raw and txt files contained data reduced to 1D (binary Bruker and ASCI formats, respectively), (iii) txt files (ASCI) with results of electric polarization measurements performed in function of temperature, (iv) images (jpg) of optical textures of liquid crystalline phases taken with polarized light optical microscope, and (v) a txt file with numerical data (ASCI) for complex permittivity measured vs. frequency and temperature.
liquid crystals, ferroelectric, nematic
G. Stepanafas, E. Cruickshank, S. Brown, M. M. Majewska, D. Pociecha, E. Gorecka, J. M. D. Storey, C. T. Imrie, Ferroelectric nematogens containing a methylthio group, Mater. Adv., 2024, 5, 525-538, doi: 10.1039/D3MA00446E
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