This dataset includes the community survey forms in English and Arabic, the collected data, and the responses of the open-end answers in Arabic and their translation in English.
A structured questionnaire, consisted of 43 questions, was used for a community survey in Ghaddar in 2021. Ghaddar is an administrative town of the Old Dongola Unit, Goulid County, Northern State of the Republic of Sudan, with the population around 6000. Ghaddar is located in the immediate north of the archaeological site, Old Dongola.
The aim of the survey was to understand the community’s life, experiences and perspective towards archaeology and heritage, ideas about tourism and related development, and the evaluation of the engagement programmes conducted at Old Dongola from 2019 to 2020.
The 43 single or multiple-choice questions were divided into seven themes; 1) life in Ghaddar, 2) archaeological works in the area, 3) benefits of archaeological work in Old Dongola, 4) benefits from tourism development, 5) heritage and archaeology, 6) community engagement programmes, 7) demographic questions.
The questions in Themes 1) to 4) and 7) are the same as the first community survey and was developed by Katarzyna Radziwiłko and Tomomi Fushiya (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw) in 2019. The first survey questionnaire was developed in English and was translated into Arabic by Mohamed Hassan Siedahmed. The survey questionnaire that was used in the survey 2019 was modified in 2021, by Tomomi Fushiya, to combine with an evaluation of community engagement programmes; two questions were added under Theme 5), and five questions under the new theme, Theme 6). The Tohamy Abulghasim translated the additional questions.
A random sampling method was applied to collect the data in Ghaddar. The collection of the data was carried out by three local recent graduates (Umm Salma Abu AlZine Mohamed, Manal Mohamed, Wafa Ahmed), the head of tourism office (Abeer Babiker), and Tohamy Abulghasim, under the supervision of Tomomi Fushiya, in five different areas of Ghaddar from 6 to 15 February 2021. 195 respondents answered the questionnaire and six were considered defective due to incomplete responses and were omitted from the analysis. The analysed responses were in total 189 (Women: 95; Men 89; No answer 5). The collected data was entered to SPSS by Tomomi Fushiya for frequency and tabulation analyses.
The data collection was carried out as a part of the Dialogue community engagement project (2019-2022) within the framework of a multidisciplinary project, ArchaeoCDN. Archaeological Centre of Scientific Excellence, led by Dr. hab. Artur Obłuski (PCMA, UW), funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland.
Tomomi Fushiya conducted the fieldwork at Old Dongola as a member of the PCMA, UW archaeological project, headed by Dr. hab. Artur Obłuski (the director of PCMA, UW). The PCMA, UW Old Dongola project has obtained research permission to work in Old Dongola from the National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums, Sudan.