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Nov 20, 2023 - DataverseRepOD

Malinowski, Szymon; Baranowski, Dariusz; Kumala, Wojciech; Markowicz, Krzysztof; Nowak, Jakub; Grosz, Robert; Król, Stanisław; Posyniak, Michał; Chiliński, Michał, 2023, "Calibrated high-frequency UFT temperature data from the project: High-resolution temperature measurements. Investigations of ocean-atmosphere turbulent exchange in the course of the EUREC4A-ATOMIC campaign", https://doi.org/10.18150/29HDHF

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Nov 14, 2023 - DataverseRepOD

Malinowski, Szymon; Baranowski, Dariusz; Kumala, Wojciech; Markowicz, Krzysztof; Nowak, Jakub; Grosz, Robert; Król, Stanisław; Posyniak, Michał; Chiliński, Michał, 2023, "High-resolution temperature measurements: investigations of ocean-atmosphere turbulent exchange in the course of the EUREC4A-ATOMIC campaign", https://doi.org/10.18150/1WMJ3Z

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Jul 11, 2022 - DataverseRepOD

Nowak, Jakub L.; Grosz, Robert; Frey, Wiebke; Niedermeier, Dennis; Mijas, Jędrzej; Malinowski, Szymon P.; Ort, Linda; Schmalfuß, Silvio; Stratmann, Frank; Voigtländer, Jens; Stacewicz, Tadeusz, 2022, "Contactless optical hygrometry in LACIS-T: supplementary data", https://doi.org/10.18150/08X1HO

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