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Dec 24, 2021 - DataverseRepOD

Mazelanik, Mateusz; Leszczyński, Adam; Parniak, Michał, 2021, "Data for: Optical-domain spectral super-resolution via a quantum-memory-based time-frequency processor",

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Dec 21, 2021 - DataverseRepOD

Wicenciak-Núñez, Urszula, 2021, "Pottery assemblage from Chhim, Lebanon",

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Nov 17, 2021 - DataverseRepOD

Hałakuc, Paweł, 2021, "Structure of rRNA coding genes in Euglenozoa – research data",

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Mar 22, 2021 - DataverseMX-RDR

Malik, D.; Kobylecki, K.; Krawczyk, P.; Poznanski, J.; Jakielaszek, A.; Napiorkowska, A.; Dziembowski, A.; Tomecki, R.; Nowotny, M., 2020, "6YWP Structure of apo-CutA - raw diffraction data",

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Mar 15, 2021 - DataverseRepOD

Parniak, Michał; Michał Lipka; Mateusz Mazelanik; Adam Leszczyński; Wojciech Wasilewski, 2021, "Data for: Massively-multiplexed generation of Bell-type entanglement using a quantum memory",

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Oct 18, 2020 - DataverseMX-RDR

Smietanski, M.; Werener, M.; Purta, E.; Kaminska, K. H.; Stepinski, J.; Darzynkiewicz, E.; Nowotny, M.; Bujnicki, J. M., 2020, "4N48 Cap-specific mRNA (nucleoside-2'-O-)-methyltransferase 1 Protein in complex with capped RNA fragment - raw diffraction data",

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Oct 16, 2020 - DataverseMX-RDR

Malik, D.; Szewczyk, M.; Szczesny, R.; Nowotny, M., 2020, "6STY Human REXO2 exonuclease in complex with RNA - raw diffraction data",

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Oct 16, 2020 - DataverseMX-RDR

Malik, D.; Kobylecki, K.; Krawczyk, P.; Poznanski, J.; Jakielaszek, A.; Napiorkowska, A.; Dziembowski, A.; Tomecki, R.; Nowotny, M., 2020, "6YWO CutA in complex with A3 RNA - raw diffraction data",

This dataset comes from an external source to which the link redirects.
Oct 16, 2020 - DataverseMX-RDR

Malik, D.; Kobylecki, K.; Krawczyk, P.; Poznanski, J.; Jakielaszek, A.; Napiorkowska, A.; Dziembowski, A.; Tomecki, R.; Nowotny, M., 2020, "6YWN CutA in complex with CMPCPP - raw diffraction data",

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Oct 15, 2019 - DataverseRepOD

Flis, Gabriela; Sikorski, Adam; Szarkowska, Agnieszka, 2019, "Dubbing-effect-in-voice-over",

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