The dataset contains raw counts of fungal non-pollen palynomorphs (fNPPs) identified in modern moss polsters collected in Białowieża Forest ecosystems. These counts are provided per sample and represent the absolute numbers of spores observed under a microscope before any transformation or normalization. The dataset supports studies on fungal diversity, ecological interactions, and the use of fungal NPPs as proxies in paleoecological reconstructions.
The project aims to determine the composition of fungal non-pollen palynomorphs (fNPPs) in modern pollen samples from the Białowieża Forest and to examine how environmental factors such as vegetation type, landscape openness, herbivore pressure, wetness, and presence of deadwood influence their abundance and diversity. The established relationships may enhance our understanding of the indicative value of fungal NPPs for reconstructing historical environmental conditions, providing critical insights into past forest dynamics and herbivory patterns.
To achieve these goals, moss samples, which act as natural pollen traps, were collected in 2021 across different habitats within the Białowieża Forest. Samples were processed using standard palynological methods, and fNPPs were identified and counted under a light microscope. The observations suggest that fungal NPP composition varies significantly with environmental gradients, highlighting their potential as indicators of ecological and historical processes.